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Форум карты Жизнь на Арене » Картостроение » Творцы миров » [Jass]Полезные функции(наработки) (Код, код и еще раз код...)
[Jass]Полезные функции(наработки)
FLESHNIKДата: Четверг, 09.06.2011, 12:07 | Сообщение # 1
xeno != Bloody// :B
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 3638
Репутация: 30
Статус: Offline
Наработки от perimetral'a:
  • DamageGroup - бьет группу g уроном dmg. ranged - дальняя ли атака.
    call DamageGroup(g, dmg, ranged)
    function DamageGroup takes group g, real dmg, boolean ranged returns nothing
                                local unit u
                                local group og = g
                         set u = FirstOfGroup(og)
                         call UnitDamageTarget(u, u, dmg, true, ranged, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
                         call GroupRemoveUnit(og, u)
                                exitwhen u == null
                                call DestroyGroup(og)
                                set og = null
                                set u = null

  • DamageCircleLoc - бьет всех в радиусе r от точки c уроном dmg. ranged - дальняя ли атака. Требует предыдущую функцию.
    call DamageCircleLoc(c, r, dmg, ranged)
    function DamageCircleLoc takes location c, real r, real dmg, boolean ranged returns nothing
                                local group g = CreateGroup()
                                local real X = GetLocationX(c)
                                local real Y = GetLocationY(c)
                                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, X, Y, r, null)
                                call DamageGroup(g, dmg, ranged)
                                call DestroyGroup(g)
                                set g = null

  • DamageCircleXY - бьет всех в радиусе r от точки с координатами X; Y уроном dmg. ranged - дальняя ли атака. Требует 1ю функцию.
    call DamageCircleXY(X, Y, r, dmg, ranged)
    function DamageCircleXY takes real X, real Y, real r, real dmg, boolean ranged returns nothing
                                local group g = CreateGroup()
                                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, X, Y, r, null)
                                call DamageGroup(g, dmg, ranged)
                                call DestroyGroup(g)
                                set g = null

  • DamageLine - бьет всех на линии шириной в w с началом в точке a и концом в точке b уроном dmg. ranged - дальняя ли атака. Требует 1ю и 3ю функции.
    call DamageLine(a, b, w, dmg, ranged)
    function DamageLine takes location a, location b, real w, real dmg, boolean ranged returns nothing
                                local integer i = 0
                                local real aX = GetLocationX(a)
                                local real bX = GetLocationX(b)
                                local real aY = GetLocationY(a)
                                local real bY = GetLocationY(b)
                                local real dist = SquareRoot((bX - aX) * (bX - aX) + (bY - aY) * (bY - aY))
                                local real angle = (180.0/3.14159) * Atan2(bY - aY, bX - aX)
                                exitwhen i > dist/w
                          call DamageCircleXY(aX, aY, w/2, dmg, ranged)
                          set aX = aX + w * Cos(angle * (3.14159/180.0))
                          set aY = aY + w * Sin(angle * (3.14159/180.0))
                          set i = i + 1

  • DamageLineAlt - альтернатива функции DamageLine из первопоста. Отличается в 2 раза большей точностью подсчета областей (менее кривая линия), но меньшей производительностью.
    call DamageLineAlt(a, b, w, dmg, ranged)
    function DamageLineAlt takes location a, location b, real w, real dmg, boolean ranged returns nothing
                              local integer i = 0
                              local real aX = GetLocationX(a)
                              local real bX = GetLocationX(b)
                              local real aY = GetLocationY(a)
                              local real bY = GetLocationY(b)
                              local real dist = SquareRoot((bX - aX) * (bX - aX) + (bY - aY) * (bY - aY))
                              local real angle = (180.0/3.14159) * Atan2(bY - aY, bX - aX)
                              local group g = CreateGroup()
                              local group tg = CreateGroup()
                              local unit u
                              exitwhen i > 2*dist/w
                        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, aX, aY, w, null)
                            set u = FirstOfGroup(g)
                            if (IsUnitInGroup(u, tg) == false) then
                                call UnitDamageTarget(u, u, dmg, true, ranged, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
                            call GroupAddUnit(tg, u)
                            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, u)
                        exitwhen u == null
                        set aX = aX + w/2 * Cos(angle * (3.14159/180.0))
                        set aY = aY + w/2 * Sin(angle * (3.14159/180.0))
                        set i = i + 1
                              call DestroyGroup(g)
                              call DestroyGroup(tg)
                              set g = null
                              set tg = null
                              set u = null

  • IsUnitInvulnerable - определяет, неуязвим ли юнит u
    local boolean b = IsUnitInvulnerable(u)
    function IsUnitInvulnerable takes unit u returns boolean
                                local real hc = GetWidgetLife(u)
                                local real mc = GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_MANA)
                                local boolean ch
                                call SetWidgetLife(u,hc + 0.001)                            
                                if hc != GetWidgetLife(u) then
                          call UnitDamageTarget(u,u,0.001,false,true,null,null,null)
                          set ch = (GetWidgetLife(u) == hc + 0.001)
                          call UnitDamageTarget(u,u,0.001,false,true,null,null,null)
                          set ch = (GetWidgetLife(u) == hc)
                          call SetWidgetLife(u,hc)
                              //  if ch then
                              //      return not (GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_MANA) != mc)
                              //  endif
                              // в оригинале закоменченные ф-и включены, но имхо с ними ничего не будет работать
                                return ch

  • IsItemInInventory - определяет, есть ли у юнита u предмет типа it.
    local boolean b = IsItemInInventory(u, it)
    function IsItemInInventory takes unit u, integer it returns boolean
                               local integer i = 0
                               local item ti
                         set ti = UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
                         exitwhen i > 5 or GetItemTypeId(ti) == it
                         set i = i + 1
                               set ti = null
                               return i < 6

  • CountItemInInventory - подсчитывает количество предметов типа it у юнита u.
    local integer i = CountItemInInventory(u, it)
    function CountItemInInventory takes unit u, integer it returns integer
                          local integer i = 0
                          local integer count = 0
                          local item ti
                          exitwhen i > 5
                              set ti = UnitItemInSlot(u, i)                             
                              if(GetItemTypeId(ti) == it)then
                        set count = count + 1
                              set i = i + 1
                          set ti = null
                          return count

  • RemoveItemFromInventory - удаляет первый попавшийся предмет типа it из инвентаря юнита u. Если, конечно, предмет у него есть.
    call RemoveItemFromInventory(u, it)
    function RemoveItemFromInventory takes unit u, integer it returns nothing
                         local integer i = 0
                         local item ti
                             set ti = UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
                             exitwhen i > 5 or GetItemTypeId(ti) == it
                             set i = i + 1
                         set ti = UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
                         if (i < 6) then
                             call RemoveItem(ti)
                         set ti = null                       

  • RemoveAllItemFromInventory - удаляет из инвентаря юнита u все предметы типа it.
    call RemoveAllItemFromInventory(u, it)
    function RemoveAllItemFromInventory takes unit u, integer it returns nothing
                                 local integer i = 0
                                 local item ti
                           exitwhen i > 5
                           set ti = UnitItemInSlot(u, i)                          
                           if(GetItemTypeId(ti) == it)then
                               call RemoveItem(ti)
                           set i = i + 1
                                 set ti = null

  • AddSpecialEffectZ - создает еффект e в координатах x; y на высоте z.
    call AddSpecialEffectZ(s, x, y, z)
    function AddSpecialEffectZ takes string s, real x, real y, real z returns effect
                                local destructable d = CreateDestructableZ( 'OTip', x, y, z, 0.00, 1, 0 )
                                local effect e = AddSpecialEffect(s,x,y)
                                call RemoveDestructable(d)
                                set d = null
                                return e

    Наработки от FLESHNIK'a:
  • Складывание зарядов предметов
    function Sbor takes nothing returns nothing                  
      local integer i = 0                 
      local integer i2 = 0                  
      local intem it  = GetManipulatedItem()
      local integer i3 = GetItemCharges(it)
      local integer itt = GetItemTypeId(it)
      local unit u = GetManipulatingUnit()                     
      local item it2
    if GetItemCharges(it)>0 then  
       exitwhen i > 6 or i2 != 0                  
      if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(u,i)) == itt  and UnitItemInSlot(u,i)!=it then                
         set i2 = 1
         set it2 = UnitItemInSlot(u,i)                   
         call SetItemCharges(it2,GetItemCharges(it2) + i3 )                  
         call RemoveItem(it)                   
        set i = i + 1                    
    set u=null
    set it = null
    set it2 = null                  
    function InitTrig_Sbor takes nothing returns nothing                  
                              local integer i = 0                  
                           set gg_trg_Combine = CreateTrigger()                  
                           exitwhen i == 11                  
                               call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(gg_trg_Sbor,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM,null)                  
                               set index=index+1                  
                           call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Sbor,function Sbor)                  

  • Отдаление\приближение камеры(сбивается колёсиком) "-cam (число меньше 800)":
    function cam_numb takes string s returns boolean
              local integer i = 0
               exitwhen i > 9
                if s == I2S(i) then
                 return true
    set  i = i + 1
                return false

    function Trig_cam_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
              local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
              local string s = GetEventPlayerChatString()
              local integer i = 0
              local integer i2 = 6
              local integer i3 = 0
              local integer si = 5          
              local string s2
              local integer si2
              local integer num
               exitwhen i == 4 or i3 == 1
               set s2 = (SubStringBJ(s, 6 + i, 6 + i))
                if s2 == "0" or s2 == " " then
               set   si = si + 1
               set   i3 = 1          
               set  i = i + 1
              if si == 5 then
              set si = si + 1
              set i = 0
    set  si2 = si
               exitwhen s2 == " " or s2 == ""
               set s2 = (SubStringBJ(s, si + i, si + i))
                if cam_numb(s2) then
               set  si2 = si2 + 1
              set  i = i + 1
              set num = S2I(SubStringBJ(s, si, si2 - 1))
                if num <= 800 then
                 call PanCameraToTimedLocWithZForPlayer( p, GetCameraEyePositionLoc(),num , 0.5 )
                 if num != null then
               call  DisplayTextToPlayer(p, 0., 0.,"|cffFF0202Неверное значение|r" )
              set  p = null
              set  s = null
              set  s2 = null

    function InitTrig_Cam takes nothing returns nothing
                local integer i = 0
               set   gg_trg_Cam = CreateTrigger(  )
                exitwhen i > 8          
                 call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_Cam, Player(i), "-cam", false )
                set  i = i + 1
                 call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Cam, function Trig_cam_Actions )
  • [v/cJass]Движение по параболе move(u, x1, y1, x2, y2). Параметры настройки полёта вынесены вверх библиотеки.
    library ParabolicMovement
         speed_par = 8. // скорость по ХY(за 1 промежуток времени)
          high_par = 1.5// длинна\high_par = высота пика параболы
          par_ekv = 6 // После столкновения еквивалент падения(снижение высоты за промежуток времени)
          debug_dis = 35. // Отталкивание в момент приземления во избежание застревания в текстурах.
    function Z takes real y0, real y1, real h, real d, real x returns real
         return (4 * h / d) * (d - x) * (x / d)

         function move_par_end takes nothing returns nothing
          timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
          integer tID = GetHandleId(t)
          unit u = LoadUnitHandle(udg_hash, tID, 1)
          real fly = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 2)
          real fly2 = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 3)
          integer ek_max = LoadInteger(udg_hash, tID, 4)
          integer ek = LoadInteger(udg_hash, tID, 5)
          timer t2
          integer t2ID
          if GetWidgetLife(u) > 0 and ek < ek_max then
         t2 = CreateTimer()
         t2ID = GetHandleId(t2)
           SetUnitFlyHeight(u, fly2 - ek*par_ekv, 2000.)
           SaveUnitHandle(udg_hash, t2ID, 1, u)
          SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 2, fly)
          SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 3, fly2)
          SaveInteger(udg_hash, t2ID, 4, ek_max)
          SaveInteger(udg_hash, t2ID, 5, ek + 1)
          TimerStart(t2, 0.2, false, function move_par_end)
           SetUnitFlyHeight(u, fly, 2000.)
           PauseUnit(u, false)
           PauseUnit(u, true)
           PauseUnit(u, false)
           SetUnitPathing(u, true)
          FlushChildHashtable(udg_hash, tID)
          u = null
          t = null
          t2 = null
         function move_start takes nothing returns nothing
          timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
          integer tID = GetHandleId(t)
          unit u = LoadUnitHandle(udg_hash, tID, 1)
          real y1 = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 2)
          real y2 = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 3)
          real x1 = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 4)
          real ang = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 5)
          real h = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 6)
          real d = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 7)
          integer l_max = LoadInteger(udg_hash, tID, 8)
          integer l = LoadInteger(udg_hash, tID, 9)
          real fly = LoadReal(udg_hash, tID, 10)
          real fly2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
          integer ek_max
          real x
          real y
          real f
          timer t3
          integer t3ID
          location loc
          real fxy
          timer t2
          integer t2ID
          if GetWidgetLife(u) > 0 and l < l_max then
          x = GetUnitX(u) + speed_par * Cos(ang * bj_DEGTORAD)
          y = GetUnitY(u) + speed_par * Sin(ang * bj_DEGTORAD)
          loc = Location(x,y)
          fxy = GetLocationZ(loc)
        f = Z(y1, y2, h, d, speed_par*l)    
          if GetLocationZ(loc) > -256.0 then
          f = f -( GetLocationZ(loc) + 256)
          if x < GetRectMaxX(GetPlayableMapRect()) and y < GetRectMaxY(GetPlayableMapRect()) then
          if x > GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect()) and y > GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) then
          SetUnitX(u, x)
          SetUnitY(u, y)
          SetUnitFlyHeight(u, f, 2000.)
          t2 = CreateTimer()
          t2ID = GetHandleId(t2)
          SaveUnitHandle(udg_hash, t2ID, 1, u)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 2, y1)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 3, y2)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 4, x1)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 5, ang)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 6, h)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 7, d)
           SaveInteger(udg_hash, t2ID, 8, l_max)
           SaveInteger(udg_hash, t2ID, 9, l + 1)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, t2ID, 10, fly)
           TimerStart(t2, 0.01, false, function move_start)
           SetUnitX(u, -1543.)
           SetUnitY(u, 1607.)
           SetUnitFlyHeight(u, fly, 2000.)
           PauseUnit(u, false)
           SetUnitPathing( u, true )
           set l = l_max + 1
         if GetUnitFlyHeight(u) > 50 then
          SetUnitX(u, GetUnitX(u) + debug_dis * Cos((ang - 180.) * bj_DEGTORAD))
          SetUnitY(u, GetUnitY(u) + debug_dis * Sin((ang - 180.) * bj_DEGTORAD))
          ek_max = R2I((fly2 - fly)/par_ekv)
          if ek_max == 0 then
           ek_max = ek_max + 2
           t3 = GetExpiredTimer()
           t3ID = GetHandleId(t)
          SaveUnitHandle(udg_hash, t3ID, 1, u)
          SaveReal(udg_hash, t3ID, 2, fly)
          SaveReal(udg_hash, t3ID, 3, fly2)
          SaveInteger(udg_hash, t3ID, 4, ek_max)
          SaveInteger(udg_hash, t3ID, 5, 1)
          TimerStart(t3, 0., false, function move_par_end)
          PauseUnit(u, false)
           SetUnitPathing( u, true )
           SetUnitFlyHeight(u, fly, 2000.)
    FlushChildHashtable(udg_hash, tID)      
    loc = null
    u = null
    t = null
    t2 = null      
         function move takes unit u, real y1, real y2, real x1, real x2 returns nothing
         timer t = CreateTimer()
         integer tID = GetHandleId(t)
         real dx = x2 - x1
         real dy = y2 - y1    
         real d = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)
         integer l_max = R2I(d/speed_par)
         real ang = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
         real fly = GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
         real h = d/high_par
          PauseUnit(u, true)
          SetUnitPathing( u, false )
           SaveUnitHandle(udg_hash, tID, 1, u)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 2, y1)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 3, y2)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 4, x1)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 5, ang)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 6, h)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 7, d)
           SaveInteger(udg_hash, tID, 8, l_max)
           SaveInteger(udg_hash, tID, 9, 1)
           SaveReal(udg_hash, tID, 10, fly)
          TimerStart(t, 0., false, function move_start)
          t = null

    FLESHNIKДата: Пятница, 15.07.2011, 17:44 | Сообщение # 2
    xeno != Bloody// :B
    Группа: Проверенные
    Сообщений: 3638
    Репутация: 30
    Статус: Offline
  • Часть системы принадлежности предмета герою
    function Trig_sobstvennost_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local item it = GetManipulatedItem()
    local integer ib = 1
    local integer id = 0
    local integer ic = GetItemUserData(it)
    local unit u = GetManipulatingUnit()
    local player p = GetOwningPlayer(GetManipulatingUnit())
    local real x = GetItemX(it)
    local real y = GetItemY(it)
    exitwhen id > 12
    if p == Player(id) then
    set ib = id + 1
    set id = id + 1
    if ic == ib then
    if ic < 1 or ic > 8 then
    call SetItemUserData(it, ib)
    call SetItemPosition( it, x, y)
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., GetPlayerName(Player(ib - 1)) + " |cff1FBF00пытался взять предмет|r " + GetPlayerName(Player(ic - 1)) + "|cff1FBF00'а(ы)|r")
    set p = null
    set u = null
    set it = null

    function InitTrig_VLADELEC takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_VLADELEC = CreateTrigger( )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_VLADELEC, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_VLADELEC, Condition( function Trig_sobstvennost_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_VLADELEC, function Trig_sobstvennost_Actions )
  • Простая функция для создания юнита с разными модельками для разных игроков. Нужно в РО сначала создать 2 почти одинаковых юнитов...отличия только визуальные.
    function CreateLocalUnit takes integer id1, integer id2, player p, real x, real y returns unit
    local integer i = 0
    local integer id = id1
        exitwhen i > 8
    if GetLocalPlayer() == udg_plr[i] then
        if udg_loc[i] == 1 then
         set  id = id2
    set i = i + 1
    return CreateUnit(p, id, x, y, 180.)
  • Проверка на забитость инвентаря.
    function inv takes unit u returns boolean
       local integer i = 0
       local integer i2 = 0
       exitwhen i > 5
       if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(u, i)) != 0 then
        set i2 = i2 + 1
        set i = i + 1
       if i2 == 6 then
        return true
        return false

    Форум карты Жизнь на Арене » Картостроение » Творцы миров » [Jass]Полезные функции(наработки) (Код, код и еще раз код...)
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